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-Pomo Lake
-Water Reports




Water rates for the delivery and use of water are set by the Board of Directors based upon budgetary requirements for general operating expenses. The District currently has 206 connected parcels. Once the meter is installed the customer starts to pay the availability charge plus any water usage. The District has a few parcels not yet connected to the system Resolution 2009-2. was put into place. In 2022 the District voted in Resolution 2022-3. to increase the current connect fee which replaces Resolution 89-7 and 90-2.

The District bills every two months and the current rates in effect are as follows:

Current Availability: $108.56 Per month.

Current Usage: $8.00 per 1,000 gallons (prorated to the gallon) or ($0.80 per 100 gal)

The District's Past and Proposed Increases

Application for Water Meter Connection

2021 Drought Conditions Advisory for new customers


Irish Beach Water District
P.O. Box 67
15401 Forest View Road
Manchester, CA 95459-0067

District Phone Number's:
Questions on the Water District Operations or your water (707)357-1093
or email: general.manager@ibwd.org
Questions about your billing, accounts issues or other inquires: (707)882-2892
or email: irishbeachwaterdistrict@gmail.com

-Current Events-

-Next Meeting:
Sept. 14, 2024
See Main Index for Packet

Copyright 2018 - Irish Beach Water District